
Sheepy's Playroom

Feeling The current mood of SheepyCloud at

Hello! I'm Sheepy. I go by a few other names some older buddies will know but I prefer Sheepy lately.
Any pronouns will do!

More About Me

It's tamaNOTchi! Click to feed! It's tamaNOTchi! Click to feed!


Welcome to my playroom! Largely WIP, but feel free to poke around and click everything you can. Broken things everywhere weeee! Eventually hope to form an obnoxious amalgamation of all the things I love.


Hello there! I am Sheepy, 20-something, artist by hobby/passion. I also find myself repairing gameboys & furbies in my spare time lately, both of which are relatively new hobbies I picked up to retain my sanity throughout these trying times. I'll probably post some photos of my gameboy collection over in the gameboy section soon enough!
I program a little here and there; I'm pretty decent with HTML/CSS (no templates here, just my own trial and error struggle!) and I've done some scripting in SL and poked around Lua on PICO-8 a bit. I eventually hope to find the time to start making things for PICO-8, most of my projects just end up being too much to focus on amidst the crisis of everyday life. Perhaps this project of a website will be a reminder to me to begin logging things here publicly for people to see, and to keep my hobbies a bit more organized and remind myself I -do- make progress on things.
Sometimes I sculpt with clay; I have a few works in progress I may also share here in the Art Studio eventually. When working with clay I prefer Sculpey, though I've played with apoxie sculpt and air dry clays as well. I have a work in progress Ball Jointed Doll going using Activa La Doll Premier clay right now as well. This is more or less a reminder to myself to show that stuff off at some point; more on that later!
As for 2D Art, I use Krita and GIMP. I dabbled in CSP a little bit but have ultimately decided I still prefer Krita. I made the art you see below of my mascot character, Pashmina.


This little sheep character is a kind of mascot to me lately. Their name is Pashmina, and they go by Sheep (Original, I know right?) and Mina as well. While most things about them are inconsistent from image to image, the one thing that stays true no matter what is their love of cute soft happy things. Pastels, pinks, sheep, puppies, 90's toys, plushies, you name it. Basically a little cartoon representation of myself, while also not quite being me.

PICO-8 is a neat little thing called a "Fantasy Console". Fantasy consoles are pretty popular (there are others such as TIC-80) but some people may not have heard of them. Imagine an emulator for an old console that... never existed!!!! Except all the tools you need to make tiny games for it are already included right in the UI! The "carts" for PICO-8 are super cool too in my opinion. PNG images that also load a game?! Count me in. PICO-8 is still in beta, as well, and the developer has other neat projects going, too.

Cool Carts

Here's a collection of some fun PICO-8 timekillers, great for a rainy day or after a stressful evening at work. Don't forget to drop in on lexaloffle to read the devs' info on each one. There's way more where these came from over on the lexaloffle pico-8 bbs too.

Pico Zombie Garden

This is a super sweet demake of Plants Vs. Zombies on Pico-8. Don't get your brains eaten!


Neat-o horizontal scrolling shooter based on the 1987 arcade title of the same name.


A really wild piece of software. You can paint pictures, they wobble, and you can save a gif when you're done!

Battle Boats

Battleship!!!!!!!!! Not much else to say, but it's great.

Me Eday!

This is Eday! He is currently my only healthily functioning Furby, my other 2 are currently waiting on some parts (one needs a speaker and the other i am working on a new skin for because their original one was super icky) but soon they'll be able to introduce themselves too! Eventually I'll make some sort of outfit for this little fella.

Tamagotchi Pix!

I'm currently running my tamagotchi pix. Orenetchi is so cute!

It's a little beat up since I work in a warehouse and it's been smacked along a lot of rollers and belts. but I plan on polishing it and cleaning it up again soon, and hopefully taking a little better care of it haha....I just can't cope with work without it sometimes though.

Stay a While...?

Some of my favourite things!

Other Rooms!

  • The Kitchen
  • Art Studio

The Train Station

Places I think are pretty cool!